What is a good bike ride?
Everyday I hear about people riding further, faster and harder... I respect the personal challenge I see people achieve.... but it turns out I am just not that sort of rider. If I could record the unexpected, unphotographable moments I would. I don't like to ride alone. I love the togetherness of planning a route and achieving it together. The sense of team work, no matter how small or diverse your team is. When you can't physically push / or be pushed by a friend when you are at you limit. B eing offered verbal support or sharing your tail wind as assistance because that is all you can offer. I love the passing connections of 2 cyclists that share a split second of mutual respect, cycling in opposite directions.... "Hi"... or just a nod... which I interpret as " well done, keep going". It fills me with pride that I am part of something great. Cycling, for me, is not just about personal bests, public accolades or kudos... It is about a very pers...